Merry christmas and happy new year Love, Larry & Whitney

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." -Luke 2:11 (ESV)
Us on our very windy rooftop!

We are so grateful for another year in prayerful partnership with you as we seek to follow God and serve both in Epic Movement and in the city. We are praying for each of you and your loved ones!

While we wish we could send all of you fresh, homemade cookies (the recipe is from Chef Thomas McNaughton, head of several restaurants here in SF!), we hope you will enjoy the recipe! And we can bake them "together" during this season! :)

(Whitney drew this! But the recipe is all Thomas McNaughton!)

We love you all and are incredibly moved by your generosity in prayers and giving! Our prayer is that the Lord would bless you not only in kind but x1000! If you would like to give a year end, tax-deductible gift, please click the link below!

With love, Larry & Whitney


Whitney Tu

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