GMO Bananas Lindsey Dorsch

Did you know that some bananas are genetically modified? Due to a disease, called Black Sigatoka, Cavendish bananas have been forced to be genetically modified. The disease has caused fungicides to make the bananas less fungi resistant. This is not the only reason bananas have been modified. Cultivated bananas can reproduce without being fertilized. This causes the bananas to lack diversity, making them easily affected by disease and fungus.

Bananas were given resistance genes from plants, like dahlias and onions. Now, these modified bananas can resist the fungus while being stored in greenhouses. These modified bananas were created by an Australian scientist, James Dale.

GMOs can make foods easier to eat (cuties are easier ro peel and smaller). Also, GMOs can make our food larger, giving us more food, allowing us to make more money. Last, they can make our food taste better, so we can enjoy it more.

On the other hand, GMOs are very, very expensive. GMOs are also dangerous becuase we don't know what they could be doing to us if we consume them. Last, GMO's are considered an invasive species, so if they were to get into the environment they would grow exponentially.

Personally, I don't think GMO's should be allowed to be used. They have many good things about them, but because of the cons, I don't think it is worth it. So many things could go wrong, and I don't think it is worth the chance of hurting us, or our environment.


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