Queen's Staircase at Fort Fincastle in Nassau, Bahamas STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROBERT NEFF

Dec 16, 2016. The Queen's Staircase has 66 steps and is a major landmark, located in the Fort Fincastle Historic Complex in Nassau, Bahamas. As you pass Prince Margaret Hospital, continue up the hill and the entrance to the Queen's Staircase will become visible. You could walk up to the castle and follow the road to the top of the staircase. There is a sign there.

Left of the stairs is a waterfall.

Enjoy more stories and images of what I get to enjoy everyday!

Purchase Robert Neff's Photography online at Saatachi Art, Adobe Stock Photography and Fotolia. If you see a photograph that is not there, let me know. I can add the image.

Venice, Italy. 2007

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Created By
Robert Neff


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