term 2 final project lolwa ali , fajer

what is the internet?

The Internet is an increasingly important part of everyday life for people around the world.

the Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.

how do i connect to the internet?

Once you've set up your computer, you may want to purchase home Internet access so you can send and receive email, browse the Web, stream videos, and more.

type's of internet

Dial-up: This is generally the slowest type of Internet connection, and you should probably avoid it unless it is the only service available in your area

3G and 4G: 3G and 4G service is most commonly used with mobile phones, and it connects wirelessly through your ISP's network. However, these types of connections aren't always as fast as DSL or cable.

understanding hyperlinks

You might already know how links work, even if you've never thought about them much before.

Internet saftey

There's almost no limit to what you can do online. The Internet makes it possible to access information quickly, communicate around the world, and much more.

strong passwords

You'll need to create a password to do just about everything on the Web, from checking your email to online banking. And while it's simpler to use a short, easy-to-remember password, this can also pose serious risks to your online security.

google sketchup


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