ADAGNITIO Latin. (n). Knowledge

ADAGNITIO is an online magazine that aims to provide its readers knowledge on how to act properly and safely on the internet


Social media plays a very important role in the way things are nowadays. A lot of people are exposed to social media and own social networking accounts. But, unfortunately, not a lot of people have a good understanding on how to properly make use of it, since it is a relatively new form of media. Because of this, the times these consequences of being disrespectful through social media has exponentially increased. Therefore, our group wishes to make a guide on social media literacy in order to help others learn about the “Do’s” and “Don’t’s” with regards to the creation of media and its use. This online magazine includes a number of tips and how they affect the sender and receiver through social media.

Know how to act online.

Social media is one way of sharing our voice. We can use social media to show our concerns and opinions about almost anything. However, we must all be careful. There are times when we see disagreement on social media. When we someone with a different opinion from ours, we usually feel anger towards them which is why we want to engage in an online argument with a certain person. When using social media, we should have proper manners because we should not endanger our reputations just because of something on social media.


1. Refrain from using vulgar language.

Social media is a place where we show what we truly feel. It’s a place where we talk like how we usually talk. However, this is also a place where we can see lots of curse words. When we use curse words, it changes the tone of the sentence and can make us look disrespectful. Using these words can harm our reputation and even the reputation of a school/company to a certain extent. This is why we must refrain from using vulgar and inappropriate language.

2. Avoid posting pictures doing obscene gestures, using illegal substances, and showing inappropriate body parts.

Social media is a place where we post pictures. Some social media websites such as Snapchat and Instagram even promote posting pictures and videos. However, not everything we do should be put on social media. Pictures showing the use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes should be refrained from posting online because it will harm our reputations. We should also refrain from posting nude pictures and pictures with inappropriate gestures such as the dirty finger. We must be smart when posting pictures of ourselves and make sure they will not harm our reputation.

3. Always know when to reply.

Debates are always seen in comment sections. Whether it’s about one’s political stance or personal opinion, an argument is always likely to occur. These can usually be seen when we express our opinion and someone has a different stand. This can lead to a heated exchange which may end up damaging our reputations. This can also lead to a lot of vulgar language and arguments. This is why we must be careful when replying in the comment section because it may end up in a debate which can damage our reputations.

4. Know what to post.

Using social media, there are times when we feel that we should be acknowledged. We post pictures of ourselves getting awards and going to family reunions, which is not bad at all. However, there are sometimes when we feel like posting just for the sake of it. Some people post too much on a certain craze like sharing every dog photo they see on Facebook. Some people write about how fun their bathroom experience was or how they accidentally ate a foreign substance, both of which are things people do not want to hear about. We may even post something offensive without being aware of it. When posting, we must be mindful of what we say because it may change someone’s perspective about you.

5. Use the proper choice of words and emojis.

The use of words and emojis can change the meaning of a sentence. Using words and emojis give meaning to the sentence. However, using inappropriate words and emojis may lead to the misinterpretation of the sentence. They may give the sentence a second meaning that not all will see in a light way. This may lead to arguments or it may even offend someone. Both of which are things we should be avoiding at all costs. This is why we must be wise with our choice of words and emojis.


Social media is a great way to connect with other people. Through it, a person can get in touch with distant relatives, see what’s going on with their closest friends, and even get to work with colleagues from home. Unfortunately, however, it also opens doors to some unsavory people. If a person’s not careful online, they could fall victim to stalkers, perverts, and maybe even potential killers. Users, therefore, especially young people, should take caution when making use of social media.


1. Avoid giving out personal information.

It is okay to give personal information when you are making an account on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. These sites are reliable and use this information to make the account more secure (i.e. email). However, when giving personal information to unknown people or sites, this data can be used to track you down or even steal your identity.

2. Only open emails and/or attachments from people you know.

Sometimes, attachments may contain viruses, especially when the sender is someone unknown to you or is a group that you cannot find any information on. Do not open these unless you have someone to vouch for the sender.

3. Refrain from “adding” or “friending” people online if you have never been introduced to them.

People may look nice or accommodating based on the stuff that they post. Unfortunately, however, that is not always the case. Not everyone is what they seem online. Some only post their “good side”, when in reality, they are hiding a whole other “bad” side. Now, you wouldn’t want to give a free pass to your posts online to someone like that.

4. Never arrange to personally meet another user you have only met online.

It’s bad enough “adding” someone you have never met. It’s even worse, and frankly plain stupid, deciding to meet that person personally. As said before, not everyone is what they are online. Going to meet your new “online friend” is even more dangerous than just messaging them, as they can bring to you actual, physical harm if they turn out to be an unsavory sort of person.


I.R.L. means In Real Life. This segment is of stories from people who have experienced bad netiquette or had an unsafe experience online.

"My Mom thought LOL meant 'lots of love', so when my Lola died, she messaged the fam on Viber 'Lola just died LOL 😞'. At least she put the sad face at the end 😕" (Anonymous)

When I checked my Chase Visa Card, I realized that there was a false purchase under my name on a product out in the Netherlands. I then called up Chase and notified them that this purchase wasn't mine. They gave me some a credit and I thought it was the end of that. However, after a few months of the earlier incident, I then saw that there is now multiple purchases under my name with the bill of these purchases ranging to more than 300$. I then called up the fraud division of Chase and told them about this. We came to a agreement that my account will be temporarily closed. After a few days, a Chase representative told me that an imposter tried to purchase something with my account however this imposter was declined. Another purchase was also declined also with the imposter using my name this time and with the shipping addressed to somewhere in Indonesia. There hasn't been any update on this. After changing my firewall to Norton Security 2001, i also changed my hard drive as it was susceptible to a hacker attack. There was no more later incident after this. (Anonymous)

"I was about 12 and I uploaded a youtube vid, and this b*tch, idek who, commented 'quit youtube Mexican nerd'. End of story HAHAHAHAHHAA" (Anonymous)

In August of 2014, an incident occurred involving countless female and male celebrities, mostly involving the former. This incident occurred when numerous photos of celebrities were leaked online after a hacker managed to breach on of Apple's services, iCloud. After countless leakages of photos involving numerous female celebrities and some male celebrities, this incident has been dubbed by most people in the Internet as the Fappening. There was a huge follow up investigation to this not only by the FBI but also Apple itself. Apple then stated that this was a result of apple accounts being compromised, stating " a very targeted attack on user names, passwords and security questions, a practice that has become all too common on the Internet". As of August 2016, 3 suspects have already been apprehended with one of them spending up to 18 months in jail for the damage they have done to these celebrities and their privacy. (Anonymous)

"I have quite the story. Last year, I was slut shamed by this guy who tweeted outrageous stuff about me and this other guy. U don't slut shame ppl! That is the opposite of polite internet behavior!" (Anonymous)

Paolo Murga, Bert Salita, Jaden Sarmiento, Mikaela Torrefiel, Ton Vallejo of 11-Borgia


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