Thy Kingdom Come Wendy's Missionary Journey

Manam Island PNG - A view from our vessel the M/V Pacific Link

My name is Wendy Nelson and I work full time Youth With A Mission (YWAM) SHIPS in Kona, Hawaii. YWAM is an international volunteer movement of Christians from many backgrounds, cultures and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. YWAM has over 1,200 operating locations in over 180 countries with approximately 20,000 full time staff. As YWAMers we are both committed to YWAM’s motto of “To know God and make Him known” and the great commission laid out in Mark 16:15 where Jesus said to His disciples “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”


Ezekiel 3:4&10-11 “Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with my words to them"...10 Moreover, he said to me, “Son of man, all my words that I shall speak to you receive in your heart, and hear with your ears. 11 And go to the exiles, to your people, and speak to them and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God,’ whether they hear or refuse to hear.”

About YWAM Ships Kona

WhatI do

As a Community Development worker I am passionate about people taking their skills and using them in the field. Our schools, like out base, have a focus on reaching the Isolated people of the pacific. Our schools currently have a major focus on the discipleship of Papua New Guinea.

This is "" he is in Jail for a white collar crime and was was allowed to go to Bible College and now from Jail is the prison pastor. It was a privilege to work with him.

I am personally passionate about reaching isolated or hard places for the Lord. Whether this is hard places like Youth in Remote areas of Australia, The Australian Outback or the people of Oceania and the South Pacific. I know that many of places are only accessible by ships. I am driven by God and his challenge to make DISCIPLES of ALL nations, especially those hard to reach places. I am passionate about bringing hope, compassion, GODS's truth and transformation to people who think life is hopeless and seeing how the truth of the Bible can transform there world. I believe this is why God has called me to serve with YWAM and for this season at YWAM SHIPS Kona.

Children in a remote village in PNG listening to the Jesus Film in Pidgin. After a team of us got to share more with them about Jesus
This photo was taken after a 'scripture lesson' I taught at in Madang PNG. These Girls and their teacher wanted more materials to study and were impacted greatly by hearing from God during this teaching.

Why Sailing

I personally have seen the impact of larger ships but I have recently learnt about the role of smaller vessels and how such vessels can be effective in ministry. Not only is wind power free, but sailing vessels can reach shallow harbours and small islands very effectively. Sailing is also a great way to connect with young people, or anyone really and train them in a skill. I am excited to see how God will use this new skill in my life not only for enjoyment but in ministry.

This is actually a picture of my school of Sailing, Navigation and Seamanship approaching Maui and on long sail between the Hawaiian Islands about the S/Y Makana.


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