
I couldn't bear to tell them after all they had sacrificed for me to be there. My family had such great hopes for me when they sent me to college. But then I lost my scholarship. I was going to have to drop out of college. I was angry at myself, the system, and I guess God. A friend was on their way to a place I hadn’t been in a very long time. He invited me to go with him. I agreed. That's when everything changed. I was reminded again of what life is REALLY all about -- a truth I knew but had forgotten in the midst of my struggle. The place was church. The time was Easter. That was MY new beginning.

Come join us this Easter

We hope to meet you this Easter! You'll hear great music, some good preaching and a whole lot of nice people. We'll have breakfast at 8AM and A Sunrise service at 6:45AM and wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Services at 9AM and 11AM (childcare provided)

Calvary Baptist Church, 123 Main Street, Anytown, GA 12345

(770) 555-5555

visit our website here • our facebook page here • email us here

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