Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

The DEA or Drug enforcement agency is the federal agency in charge of preventing the use, trafficking, manufacturing and selling of illegal drugs or narcotics. The current leader of the agency is Michele Leonhart, 61, an American career law enforcement officer, she was appointed by the 43rd president George W. Bush.

The current website for the Drug enforcement agency is https://www.dea.gov/

the DEA was founded on July 1, 1973, in an effort to create a department with a sole purpose of ending drug related crimes.

The DEA's responsibility or purpose is Enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act, and control and prevention of drug trafficking and drug use within the nation are the main responsibilities of DEA.

Some of the Current issues the DEA is attempting to address is the movement of illegal narcotics across US Borders, the creation and marketing of new synthetic drugs and more recently the prevention of teen use of drugs.

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