Touching Spirit Bear By: Sydney Smith

One possible theme from Touching Spirit Bear. Textual evidence, as well as examples, to support.

Cole is very angry. Cole's angry at the world. As Cole was growing up his father would hit Cole,as in his father would take his anger out on Cole. So as Cole has gotten older he has anger issues. And taken his anger out on other people. That's when Peter comes in the story..

Cole got so angry one day, all his anger was building up and he took it out on Peter. Cole beat Peter up so bad Cole should have gone to prison but agreed to go to an Alaskan island. Cole has now been on the island for some time and he then get's attacked by a spirit bear. Before the bear comes after Cole, Cole is yelling and telling the bear to come fight him and the bear does and Cole nearly dies.

After that attack Cole completely changes. I think in Cole's situation it wasn't all his fault he had anger issues because his dad did to and would beat him and that made Cole angry. But Cole was able to change.


Created with images by katze00 - "polar bear zoo hokkaido"

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