
Is Valentine's Day overrated?

Abbi Stein, freshman

"Depends on if you have a valentine. Probably most people think it’s overrated. I like the candy and stuff, but the whole concept of asking people out [on Valentine’s Day] just because everyone else is doing it is weird."

Zakee Branch, sophomore

"It’s for suckers because it’s all about the flowers and chocolates with no actual reason behind it. There’s no reason to celebrate it because what’s the point of [giving gifts to] someone you probably don’t even like that much. It should be called Single-tines Day."

Kyle Burnett, junior

"I don’t think it’s overrated because it’s a good to spend time with your family and loved ones. I think the [candies and gifts] are fun."

Camille Komrosky, senior

"Valentine’s Day is not for me because I’ve never had a valentine on [the holiday]. It has just never worked out. I’ve had boyfriends around Valentine’s but not on the actual day."

Stefanie Hruby, teacher

"Valentine's Day is overrated. It's simply a Hallmark holiday to make a whole bunch of extra money. You should love your people everyday of the year not just on Feb. 14 because they said you should."