The White House By: Jessica vassmer

The White House is the home of United States presidents. It was designed by James Hoban in the 1790s. He modeled the building after an Anglo-Irish villa in Dublin called the Leinster House.

The White House
The Leinster House.

The White House was rebuilt in 1814 after the British attacked and burned down the White House.

The White House evolved with each personal touches of its residents.

The building underwent major changes under Teddy Roosevelt. He designed things like the building of the Oval Office and the Rose Garden.

Today the White House holds 142 rooms on six floors, the floor space totals approximately 55,000 square feet.

Thomas Jefferson held the first inaugural open house in 1805, and opened its doors for public tours on New Year’s Day and the Fourth of July.

The building and the presidents have hosted longstanding traditions like an annual Easter Egg Roll



Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how the government established by the Constitution embodies the enduring values and principles of democracy and republicanism.


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the role of individuals and groups within a society as promoters of change or the status quo.


  1. Who designed the White House?
  2. When was the White House designed?
  3. What was the White House design based off of?
  4. Who burnt down the original White House?
  5. When was the White House rebuilt?
  6. Who designed the oval office
  7. True or false? There is still some of the original structure in the White House today.
  8. How many square feet is the White House?

Writting prompt:

If you could design a room in the White House what would it look like? Write least one page

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