Blackfoot By: Haley Finch, Blake Robinson, Piper Bowen

The Blackfoot tribe is a descendent of the Algonquian tribe. The Blackfoot and Blackfeet are two different tribes. Although they are two different tribes they both live in the North Western great plains. The Blackfoot consists of three native American tribes. The Piegan, the blood, and the Blackfoot. They were the most powerful tribe in 1800's. Then when the white moved to America they became less and less powerful. By 1806 they had completely moved to reservations. There were 32,000 living in the USA, and 12,000 in Canada.

1540 -Spanish explores introduced the horse to the Native Americans of the south plains. 1700-Eropepean traders arrived. 1830- The Blackfoot tribe had an estimated population of over 18,000 people. They had land from Saskatchewan to the Missouri river. They called them selves the Nitsitapi meaning the real people, they spoke Alongonguian. In the 20th century they moved to reserves.

Some celebrations call for different kinds of clothes, Ahkayeepixen dressed in goat. They had a peace pipe and chants. A warrior would paint his body to let out the animal inside him/her. They lived in teepees. They were nomadic ( They moved around a lot following big game animals). In 1730 they started using horses to hunt. Their clothing was made of animal skin. Women wore long dresses, and men wore leggings, shirts, breechcloths, and moccasins.

32,000-27,000 Blackfoot members lived in the United States of America. Plus 15,000-12,000 Blackfoot members lived in Canada by the 20st century. They have jobs as farmers, teachers, and nurses.

They wore clothes made of buffalo skin, antelope, and mountain sheep.Men wore long moccasins and leggings, while women wore leather dresses and leggings. The moccasins were so elaborate that they couldn't wash them.


Hahn, Elizabeth. The Blackfoot. 1992. Print.

''Blackfeet.'' Pebble Go Next. . web. 11-14-16.

''Blackfoot.'' Britannica Schools. 2016.web. 11-14-16.


Created with images by roberthuffstutter - "A painting from life by Karl Bodmer of a Blackfoot warrior ca. 1840-1843" • Loco Steve - "--------- Blackfeet Nation Slideshow ---------- ( Link Below )"

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