Chimpanzee By: Sammy Gibson


  • Chimpanzee
  • Appear anywhere from pink to black in the face
  • Covered in long, black hair
  • Do not have a tail
  • Walk on all four legs/arms but can walk on two for a short period of time
  • Prefer wet and dense rain forests
  • Can also be found is various wooded areas, bamboo forests, savannas, and even some swamps.
  • A chimpanzee is a mammal and they are primates.
  • The date of when Chimps came to be is not clearly defined but the earliest documentation of chimps was back in 1506.

Morphological and Molecular Evidence

  • Humans, bonobos, apes, and others are related to chimpanzees
  • Chimpanzees share almost 99% of their DNA with humans and share much of their DNA with other animals and organisms which we can then infer would link back to a common ancestor showing molecular evidence of evolution
Just like humans, chimps have hands, fingers, finger nails, noticeable hair, and many other recognizable features that are similar to humans.

Homologous structures

  • Chimpanzees and humans have hands and thumbs. Humans use their hands to do things like write and use tools and utensils while chimps use them to walk on as well as use and make tools and do things. Chimps do not have functioning thumbs and can't move them or use them like we do.
  • All mammals share the same back bone or vertebrae. Although they are different sizes and different lengths, they all share a relatively same purpose, which can link back to a common ancestor.

Vestigial structures

  • Chimps have tailbones just like humans which are vestigial structures
  • Almost all mammals have them but do not serve a purpose in chimps but sense so many animals including us have them it can be used to provide evidence of evolution and link us back to a common ancestor.

Transitional Fossils

It's different because it still has many on the same traits and physical features as chimps do today but the shape is not the same exact thing as how chimpanzees currently look.

This shows that they came from an organism a while ago and have further evolved and developed to help fit the chimpanzees daily needs.

Comparative embryology

Comparative embryology allows us to compare embryos of different and see the similarities and differences that'll link back to a common ancestor and show that there are similarities in early stages of life




Created with images by catburston - "Forest" • stefaanroelofs - "chimpanzee baby mother" • thebuffafamily - "Chimpanzees" • James St. John - "Sahelanthropus tchadensis fossil hominid (Upper Miocene, 6-7 Ma; Toros-Menalla, Djurab Desert, northwest-central Chad, northern Africa)" • James St. John - "Paranthropus aethiopicus fossil hominid (Nachukui Formation, Upper Pliocene, 2.5 Ma; Lomekwi, western Lake Turkana area, northern Kenya, eastern Africa) 1"

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