PMA Projects Management Academy

alfanar Construction Project Management Academy (PMA) is a kind of Employee Fast Track Development Program – Succession Planning.

Succession Planning is a talent Management Strategy to help identify and foster the development of high potential employees. It is a dynamic, ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing leadership talent to contribute to the achievement of future strategic goals.

This activity determines which employees might benefit from different organizational experience and pinpoint the training they will need to advance in the organization.

• An organization’s strategic goals can be achieved only if an effective program for leadership succession is in place

• Organizations need to be careful not to exclude employees from their succession plans solely because of employee’s age

• Succession plans are created to anticipate managerial staffing requirements and develop high-quality employees as professional, managerial and technical personnel to satisfy these needs

A Succession plan contains the following information (Input):

1- Managerial Position Requirements

2- Succession Requirements

3- Candidate Data

4- Appraisal of Performance and Development Needs

A Succession plan provides the following information (Output):

1- Individual aspiration and related development plans

2- Planned broaden experience

3- Summaries of candidate availability

4- Tentative plan for meeting shortages and surpluses

Created By
Moustafa Hassaan


Created with images by ThoroughlyReviewed - "Macbook Student Employee Entrepreneur - Must Link to"

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