Chip Tuning Performance Tuning Explained

Tuning of vehicles - and especially tuning of cars began at the rise of the automobile industry. Engine tuning has been carried out ever since on race cars, mopeds, motor cycles, lorries, tractors and other agricultural machines. Tuning does not always exclusively refer to engine modifications, but also tuning (or styling) of visual appearance and aerodynamics.

The most commonly known form of tuning is done by physically changing the fuel-to-air ratio supplied to the engine ignition - thereby increasing performance and torque. Even teenage boys will carry out tuning on their moped by drilling on the cylinders. Tuning is both done for performance in motorsports, but also increasing the comfort and driving experience for private vehicle owners - as well as transportation and agricultural industries for increased performance and optimal fuel consumption.

As most would know the time line of the development of the engine industry and the computer industry, the engine industry was there first.

Unlike vintage cars, current day vehicles are now equipped with an erasable/modifiable Read-Only memory or Electronic Control Unit (ECU) that - to the extent apart form physical tuning - electronically controls engine performance.

This is where the word "chip" in "chip tuning" comes in - because this refers to the programmatic tuning of existing chip.

The Media Bias on Tuning - Negative as Well as Positive

Following the media, chip tuning and tuning in general has been largely praised and slashed. The advantages of saving fuel for both economic and environmental purposes are appealing, but there are also endless cases of the opposite results: where the engines get too noisy, more polluting, more energy consuming - and where they even get a reduced life time and void of manufacturers warantees.

The fact is that both a positive and negative outcome is possible when dealing with chip tuning. The outcome largely depends on whether this is done by using low quality chip tuning products - or by a professional company with many years of expertise in the field of car tuning.

Green/Environmental Vehicle Tuning is a field in itself, where petrol and diesel vehicles are transformed into consuming natural gases, vegetable oils, battery power or even hybrids.

Performance Testing

A professional vehicle tuning company will also have performed endless before and after-tests on an all-wheel/4-wheel drive dynanometer. The dyno, as it is called shortly, is a rolling band substituting a road so that before- and after tuning tests can be performed.

Even with a front wheel or rear wheel drive, performance testing should still be carried out on a 4-wheel drive dyno in order to minimize risks of vehicle damage.

It is advisable to seek consultation with a professional when considering to get chip tuning. A skilled professional with experience will also be able to understand and interpret the relevant legislation in chip tuning in your country, so you can make the right decisions for you. Additionally, there are also levels of performance optimization to consider - depending on need, taste and price. Furthermore, the vehicle makes and models are numerous - and mostly it will be impossible for most to make an informed decision on which chip tuning equipment to use.

For more information about performance chip tuning dealerships:


Created with images by e-zara - "citroen 1938 model" • jimo663 - "buick car auto" • jarmoluk - "light car reflector" • Yuya Tamai - "Cars"

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