Williamsburg trip Jonny the slave , by lachlan

This is a musket. It was introduced by the English and its main purpose was to be used to defend the English against their enemies. It is made of wood, and metal.

This is a Powhatan home. It can fit only one family, and was not used a lot. Usually only for storage, and sleeping. The has baby trees holding the cover up and there used to be a plant that they used that was water resistant.

This was where me and the other slaves would go when we did not have to work anymore, or there were guests over at the Randalf house. We would usually talk about what big events happened that day, read a book (if there was any), or we would play games, like cards.

This is the dining room, where if master had guests over, they would eat there

These are the bedrooms. If anyone ever needed me to heat their sheets, or empty their chamber pots, then this is where I would go. My masters sometimes would like to eat up there, in their bedroom. (bottom picture)

This is the carpenters shop. If my masters wanted to pick up a cabinet, or maybe even a harpsichord, this is where I would go. For hiding valuables, there are secret compartments hidden in the drawers and desk.

This is the blacksmiths. If my masters needed me to order something to be made, such as a metal shovel, or some type of sword, this is where I would go to get the job done. They do this by heating up the metal to make it softer, and then they hammer it into shape.

This is what my life as someone from Williamsburg Virginia would have been like.

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