Driver's Ed 2nd Hour  Richmond mikala 

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Chapter 5: Signals, Signs, and Markers

TRAFFIC SIGNALS~ Tracffic signals help to provide for the orderly movement of traffic. Drivers must obey these signals except when a law enforcement officer at all times even if she/he is telling you to do something which is ordinarily considered against the law.


Stop before entering the crosswalk or intersection. You may turn right unless prohibited by the law. You must yield to all pedestrians and other traffic lawfully using the intersection.


Stop completely before entering the crosswalk or intersection then proceed when you can do so safely. Vechicles on the intersecting road may not have to stop

A steady yellow light warns drivers to use caution and to alert them a red light is coming up. You must STOP before entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection if you can do so safely. If a stop cannot be made safely, then you may proceed cautiously through the the intersection before the light changes to red.

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A Flashing Yellow Light

A flashing yellow light warns a drivers to slow down and proceed with caution

A Flashing Yellow Arrow For Left Turns

A flashing yellow arrow allows a driver to turn left but the driver must yield the right-of-way to traffic

Steady Green Light (Go)

A steady green light means the driver can proceed on a green light if it is safe to do so. You may drive straight ahead or turn unless prohibited by another sign or signal. Watch for cars and pedestrians in the intersection. Be aware of careless drivers who may race across the intersection beat a red light

Green Arrow Displayed At The Same Time As A Light

A green arrow displayed at the same time as a red light means the driver can proceed carefully in the direction of the arrow after yielding the right of way to other drivers vehicles and pedestrians.

Left Turn On Green

You can turn left on a green light. However, you must yield the right of way if traffic is approaching from the oppisite direction

(Slide 3) Traffic Signs

Traffic signs can help you be a better driver. Traffic signs help because they (1- Warn of hazards ahead that would be difficult to see) (2- Guide drivers to their destination by identifying the route) (3- Inform of local regulations and practice) (4- Regulate the speed and movement of traffic)

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Warning signs alert drivers to conditions that are immediately ahead and tell them what to look for. There may be road hazards, changes in direction, or some other situation you should know about. Not only must warning signs be observed for safety reasons but to disregard them may be a traffic violation.

When you encounter a warning signs

1. Pay attention 2. Follow instruction 3. Reduce speed at least the posted speed signs

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Warns of a traffic control signal ahead.
Height of underpass from road surface is shown. Do not try to enter if your load is higher than the figure shown on the sign.
Advises you are approaching a sec- tion of highway where the opposing flows of traffic are separated by a median island.
Road ahead makes a sharp turn in the direction of the arrow (right). Slow down, keep right, and do not pass.
There is a winding road ahead. Drive slowly and carefully, and do not pass.
The divided highway you are travel- ing ends ahead. Be careful as you approach the point where two-way traffic begins again.

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You are approaching a point where two roads come together, but you are not required to merge, an additional lane begins. Watch for traffic in the new lane.
The road curves one way (right) and then the other way (left). Slow down, keep right and do not pass
Another road enters the road you are traveling on from the direction shown. Watch for traffic from that direction
Slow down on wet road. Do not suddenly turn, speed up, or stop
You should drive in the right-hand lane and except oncoming traffic in the left hand lane.
Road ahead makes a gradual curve in the direction of the arrow (right). Slow down, keep right, and do not pass.
Slow down, the road surface ahead is in poor condition.
Cross road ahead; slow down and watch for cross traffic ahead. Look carefully in all directions for traffic.

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Cross traffic
Gives advance notice of a reduction in the number of lanes of pavement.
T- Intersection
Y-Intersectin or side road traffic to the right
You are approaching a point where other traffic lanes come together with the one you are in. Watch for traffic from that direction.
You are approaching a "T" intersection and must turn left or right. Be prepared to yield the right of way at the intersection if necessary.
There is a low place in the road. Slow down in order to advoid losing control of your vehicle or an uncomfortable jolt.
Use extreme caution to advoid running off the paved portion of the highway, because the dirt on the side of the pavement is soft and may cause yo yo lose control of the car.

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You are near an area where a large number of pedestrians cross the street. Slow down and watch for people crossing the street on foot.
You are near a school. Slow down, and prepare to stop suddenly if necessary. Watch for children
The surface of the of the road is covered with loose gravel. Go slow enough to keep complete control of your vehicle. Do not apply brakes suddenly or make sharp turns.
Mounted in front of an obstruction which is close to the edge of the the road, such as culverts, or center piers on divided highways
The bridge ahead is not as wide as the road. Slow down and use caution
Two roads cross. Slow down, look to the right and to the left for other traffic, and be prepared to stop
The road ahead makes a sharp turn to the right and then a sharp turn to the left. Slow down keep right and do not pass
Warns of hazardous condition on bridge caused by ice. This sign will be displayed continuously during winter time periods. Drivers should slow down and avoid applying their brakes if icy conditions exist.

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Mounted immediately in front of an obstruction or at short changes in road alignment.
Used to indicate the alignment of the road as an aid to night driving.
Indicates traffic is permitted to pass on either side of a traffic island or an obstruction
This sign is used to mark the ends of the side rails of narrow bridges and other obstruction so they may be easily seen.
Slow your speed and watch for trucks entering or crossing the highway.
You are approaching a downgrade all drivers approach with caution it may be necessary to use a lower gear to slow your vehicle.
The sign will have the yellow lights flashing ( top and bottom) when the freeway ramp ahead is metered. The ramp meter (red or green) directs motorists when to enter the freeway.
There is a sudden high place in the road ahead. Slow down in order to avoid losing control of your vehicle or an uncomfortable jolt.

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The pavement ahead narrows; reduce speed. Room for two cars to pass but with caution.
The hard-surfaced pavement changes to an earth road or low- type surface. Slow down.
There is a significant drop from the pavement edge to the shoulder. If you must leave the pavement, slow down and steer firmly.
The pavement has been grooved to lessen the possibility of slippery pavement in wet weather. Motorcy- clists should use caution.
Slow your speed and watch for individuals who may be disabled or who may be crossing the road in a wheelchair.
The road ahead curves sharply. Slow down, keep right, and do not pass.
The lane ends ahead. If you are driving in the right lane, you should merge into the left.
Be prepared for a stop sign ahead.

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Regulatory and Warning Signs

Regulatory signs tell us what we must do. Drivers are required to obey all regulatory signs in the same manner as traffic laws. These signs are one way that will help to protect your safety. The following table provides examples of common regulatory and warning signs.

If you wish to turn at an intersection where this sign is posted, do so only in the direc- tion indicated by the arrow.
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Preferential Lane: Buses and vehicles used for carpools may use this lane only between the hours of 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., Monday through Friday.
Do Not Cross Yellow Lines: The distance you can see ahead is so limited that pass- ing another vehicle is hazardous and you may not pass.
Stop: A red stop sign with white letters or a yellow sign with black letters. Stop before the crosswalk, intersection, or stop sign. Do not block the pedestrian crosswalk. A stop sign means a car must come to a complete stop. Slowing down is not adequate.
Advisory Speed Sign: This sign gives the highest speed which you can safely travel around the turn ahead.
Do not pass other vehicles.

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This sign indicated two lanes of traffic are permitted to turn left. The traffic in the left lane must turn left,
Do not park, stop, or allow your vehicle to stand idling in a parking space reserved for disabled individuals unless your vehicle has a disabled license plate or windshield identification card.
Turning left at an intersection where this sign is posted is prohibited
Making a U-turn at an intersection where this sign is posted is prohibited
Stay in the right hand lane if you are driving slower than vehicles on the road
Indicates the speed at which the exit ramp from a highway may be traveled safely
This sign tells you the maximum speed (in mph) you are permitted to travel. Sign also indicates the maximum speeds permitted on the road for day time and nighttime.
Trucks are prohibited from using or enter- ing the street or road where this sign is displayed.

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If you see this sign facing you, you are driving the wrong way on a one-way street and you are directly opposing the flow of traffic.
Drive to the right of this sign. This sign is used in advance of islands and medians.
The road or street ahead is for one-way traffic traveling in the opposite direction. You must not drive into it in the direction you are going.
This signs tells you the road you are on joins with another road ahead. You should slow down or stop if necessary so you can yield the right-of-way to vehicles on the other road.
School Zone: The speed shown is in effect when the yellow light is flashing. Be extremely careful for school children.
School Zone: The speed shown is in effect when the yellow light is flashing. Be extremely careful for school children.
The use of a wireless communication device is prohibited in the school zone.
These signs are added to a stop sign advising that all approaching traffic to this intersection must stop.

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Red light photo enforced.
Drivers should not change lanes or turn across the double white lines.
Oncoming traffic must stop for vehicles at an intersection. Vehicles turning at a protected light should use caution.
This sign reminds drivers that the shoulder of the road should be used only by vehicles required to stop because of mechanical breakdown, tire trouble, lack of fuel, or other emergencies.
On roadways with more than one lane with vehicles traveling in the same direc- tion and this sign is present, slower traffic should travel in a lane other than the farthest left lane. The farthest left lane is for passing only.
The center lane is only used for vehicles turning left, not for passing or overtaking. The only time a vehicle should enter the center lane is at a point where the vehicle will have time to slow down or stop to make a safe left turn. This lane should never be used for passing or as a through traffic lane.
A green signal will indicate when you may turn left
Vehicles driving in the right lane must turn right at the next intersection unless the sign indicates a different turning point.

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The road ahead is not one to any traffic. Look for a detour or other route
Instructs drivers that alltraffic on the same roadway must merge into one lane
Advisory Speed Sign: This sign gives the highest speed at which you can safely travel around the turn ahead

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Guide Signs

Guide signs are especially helpful when you are not in a familiar area. Guide signs tell you what road you’re on, how to get where you want to go, and provide information making the trip more pleasant and interesting. The table below provides examples of common guide signs.

The only place where you may lawfully throw your litter on the highway is in a litter barrel. This sign advises that such a barrel is one mile ahead. Litter barrels are also found at all rest/picnic areas.
Texas Route Marker signs tell you what road you are on. Plan your trip and know which road you want to take.
Interstate Route Marker signs tell you what road you are on. Plan your trip and know which roads you want to take.
The lane that has this sign above it exits ahead.
This sign tells you what road you are on. It is a short state highway in a city or urban area.
Indicates an officially designated highway that branches off the regularly numbered highway and goes through the business portion of the city.

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These signs are usually mounted above the road. The arrows indicate the lane or lanes to be used to follow a particular highway route.
Mileposts provide a means of identifying the location of crashes, breakdowns, or other emergencies. Mileposts are erected every mile on interstate highways starting at the state line.
Travel information: This sign tells you which way to go and how far you must travel.
Lane-use control signals are overhead signals indicating if a motorists should drive in a specific lane. If a red X appears above a lane, a driver should not drive in that lane. A steady yellow X means a driver should prepare to safely vacate the lane over which the signal is located because a lane control change is being made. A steady downward green arrow means a driver is permitted to drive in the lane over which the arrow signal is located. Lane-use control signals can be used on streets or highways.

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Railroads Warning Signs

This sign means you are within a few hundred feet of a railroad crossing. Slow down and be prepared to stop. If you see a train coming, STOP. Never try to beat a train.
Railroad crossbuck signs are posted at every railroad, highway, road, or street grade crossing and show the location of the train tracks. If more than one track is to be crossed, the sign will show the number of tracks. Always slow down, look, listen, and be prepared to yield the right-of-way to an approaching train.
Gate and Flashing Light Stop when the lights begin to flash before the gate lowers across your side of the road. Remain stopped until the gates are raised and the lights stop flashing. At railroad crossings stop within 15 feet to 50 feet of the nearest rail when: 1. You are directed to do so by a flag person 2. There are flashing red lights or gongs sounding 3. There is any warning device telling you a train is coming

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Construction and Maintenance Devices

Various traffic control devices are used in construction and maintenance work areas to direct drivers or pedestrians safely through the work zone and to provide for the safety of the works.

The most commonly used traffic control devices are signs,barricades, drums, cones, tubes,flashing arrow panels, and flag individuals. Orange is the basic color for these devices.

When you are in a construction and maintenance work arcane prepared.

1. To slow down or stops you approach workers and equipment. 2. To change lanes. 3. For unexpected movement of works and equipment.

Construction and Maintenace Signs

Construction and maintenance signs are used to alert drivers of unusual or potentially dangerous conditions in or near work area. Most signs in work areas diamond shaped, but a reward retanggular.


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