Symbolism Jillian nemec 6Th


Something used to represent something else giving it a different and usually a much deeper meaning.

These pictures each have a symbol that represents the word pictured.

Chronicles of Narnia

In the book The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe the death and resurrection of Aslan symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus.

The lamb in the The Voyage of the Dawn Treader symbolizes Jesus Christ (the lamb who was slain).

The lion Aslan in all of the Chronicles of Narnia symbolizes God and how he is terrible but also the most wonderful.

Symbolism used in writing:

They tough for a moment she would make the wrong decision but, there was no doubt that her faith was as clear as the cross on her neck.


Created with images by AlexanderPaukner - "peace symbol peace sign" • geralt - "cross sunset sunrise" • Sponchia - "lion portrait animal portrait"

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