Future Classroom Scenarios Learning Diary

About me

I'm Renata from Croatia. I live in small town Varaždin. I'm special needs teacher and work over 20 years with students with intellectual disabilities. This school year I have only 4 pupils in class.

Castle in the city center

I like to use ICT, explore new tools and do outdoor activities.

Centar Tomislav Špoljar

Centar za odgoj obrazovanje Tomislav Špoljar, Varaždin is a non-residential school for children aged 8 years and older with:

- Mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities

- Multiple influential difficulties (Autism, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, etc.)

- Profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)

We also provide:

- High school education for Assistant Cooks and Assistant Confectioners

- One group of occupational activities for young adults aged 21 years and older

Module 1: What does the future classroom look like?

1.1. Why should we change our classroom practices?

1.2. Past, Present and Future Classrooms

Are students just the audience of the teacher?

Do we give our students the freedom to define their own goals?

Do we involve technology and do we allow that students bring their own device?

Do we promote outdoor learning?

1.3. 21st Century Skills

1.4. The Future Classroom Lab in Brussels

1.5. Activity: What does your classroom look like?

My classroom now

I like my classroom. I can arrange that I want, there is enough light. We have a place to relax, have a computer and Internet access. Sometimes the students to bring their own tablets. I'd like to be a little bigger and have whiteboard.

1.6. The iTEC Project

iTEC was a project about designing the future classroom. It involved 15 Ministries of Education from across Europe, brought together teachers, policymakers, pedagogical experts - representatives from each stage of the educational processes - to introduce innovative teaching practices.

Module 2: Your future classroom – towards a realistic vision

Developing a clear vision of how we would like to change what happens in our schools and classrooms is an important first step to introducing innovation.

If we have a very clear idea of where we want to go and why, it will be much easier to convince our colleagues, students, parents to join us on this journey.

2.1 Future Classroom Scenarios

2.2. Developing a future classroom scenario: the Eduvista Toolkit

The Future Classroom Toolkit is a website with 5 toolsets.

2.3 The role of trends & stakeholders

2.4. Trends & stakeholders: the classroom of 2025

2.5. The League of Trends

a) Cloud Based Learning: data, tools, software is all online and can be reached and modified from different devices.

b) The goal to include everyone in reaching high degree of instruction and to go on with learning all the life long.

2.6. Tool for teaching: Slack

Slack is a cloud-based team collaboration tool for real-time messaging that brings all your communication together in one place, allowing archiving and search for modern teams. It is a very useful tool that you can use in the classroom to discuss a project, a topic, etc.

Module 3: From vision to reality – technology in your future classroom

ICT provides new and powerful opportunities of communicating, collaborating, creating, investigating, presenting.

3.1. Evaluating your use of technology: The Innovation Maturity Model

3.2. 21st Century Skill in Focus: Thinking about Collaboration in the Classroom

But effective collaboration is in fact much harder to achieve than simply asking students to work together.

3.3. 21st Century Skill in Focus: Collaboration and Technology in the Classroom

3.4. 21st Century Skill in Focus: Creativity and Technology in the Classroom

3.5. Using Technology in the Classroom: Example Lessons

3.6. Activity: Our Innovation Maturity

Technology is used to bridge the gap between learning inside and outside of school and is used by students to support the creation of a product in response to an inquiry.

Learner as user of technology tools and resources. The learner chooses the appropriate resources ot tools for the task.

Activities in my classsroom address learning objectives that include some 21st Century Skills but focus on subject specific competencies and knowlwdge.

3.7 Tool for Teaching: Aurasma

3.8. Tool for Teaching: Thinglink

4. modul: Learning activities for 21st century skills

The Learning Activities are simple stepping stones that provide concrete ideas of how we can achieve the scenarios in our classroom.

4.1. Introduction to iTEC Learning Activities

A Learning Activity simply describes what the teacher does and what the students do. A good Learning Activity is something that could be used in a range of different lessons.

4.2. Examples of iTEC Learning Activities

4.3. Developing Learning Activities: The Edukata Process

4.4. Developing Learning Activities: 21st Century Learning Design Rubrics

the rubrics are not just useful to interrogate your own teaching practice and the learning activities you use but also for the design of new learning activities.

4.5. Activity: Learning Activities for the Flipped Classroom Scenario

4.6. Tool for Teaching: Socrative

Socrative is a free responding system which allows students to send data.

Socrative offers different types of questions (multiple choice, true/false, short answers).

Students don’t need account.

Module 5: From Learning Activities to Learning Stories

5.1. Introduction to Learning Stories

Tell a Story

5.2. From Learning Activities to Learning Story: An example

5.3. Learning Stories in Action

"My pet" - second class

“Book trailers”

5.4. A tool to create Learning Stories: the Learning Designer

The Learning Designer allows you to create a number of teaching and learning activities (TLA), similar to iTEC Learning Activities, and assemble them to what they call a Learning Design which is very similar to an iTEC Learning Story.

5.6. Tool for Teaching: Popplet

It's a online mindmapping tool, alows collaboration.

Module 6: Have you seen the future classroom yet?

6.1. Peer review in the classroom and as a tool for professional development


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