Connotation and Denotation Why is an author's word choice important?

Words can have many meanings.......

Denotation is the literal meaning or definition of the word. Denotation can be found in the dictionary. (Remember: Denotation, Definition, and Dictionary all start with D)
Connotation is the positive or negative emotions associated with a word. In other words, how the word makes you FEEL. Your experiences,

"House" and "Home" have the same denotation-- "The place where one lives". But the connotation is very different.

The connotation of "house" is just a building where a person lives. House feels like walls, windows, doors, rooms.

But the connotation of "home" is much warmer. Home feels like family, safety, meals, memories, love.

Connotations of words can be positive or negative. Although inexpensive and cheap have the same denotation, "We bought inexpensive souvenirs" sounds positive. "We bought cheap souvenirs" sounds negative.

And although young and immature have the same denotation, if someone called you young (positive connotation) you wouldn't mind. But if someone called you inmature (negative connotation) you would be offended.

"Lazy" or "relaxed".....which words has a negative connotation?

"Juicy" or "greasy".....Which word has a tastier connotation?

"Victim" or "loser" which word has a more sympathetic connotation?


Created with images by crdotx - "Dictionary" • StockSnap - "dictionary book reading" • Jason Pratt - "House" • otubo - "souvenir" • Upsilon Andromedae - "Crying" • PixelAnarchy - "koala bear australia teddy" • RobertoCardona - "burger cheeseburger french fries"

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