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Putnam Elementary Enrichment ART, MUSIC, Technology

Our Enrichment classes were created to supplement learning opportunities for students who are currently at or above grade level. Enrichment classes operate on a rotating basis each trimester, with the students choosing which class they would like to participate in. Enrichment offers students diverse learning opportunities in each class and empowers students to engage in their individual interests.

Poudre School District Gifted Program:

Music Enrichment

Each enrichment class is learning how to play modern band instruments, write music, use music tech, and have the opportunity to perform at school.

Fourth grade plays the xylophone


Fourth grade playing the electric keyboard!

Learning how to play the electric guitar

Art Enrichment
Making our school even more beautiful!
Creating custom frames for their artwork

Students in Art Enrichment this year are creating positive greetings on doors. This is inspiring our students to remember positive words and actions.

Technology Enrichment

Students in Technology Enrichment have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they learn in class to new settings. Our fifth grade Enrichment students created a miniature golf course for Sphero and programmed the robots to complete the course. The fourth grade group learned how to transfer a code to our embroidery machine and create a work of art

To learn more about Gifted and Talented programs in the district, visit the PSD website:
