Hobbies and Goals Andrew Jin

I listen to a lot of metal. Some of the bands I listen to are Judas Priest, Accept, and Motorhead. This particular cover of an album is "Painkiller" by Judas Priest.
One of my favorite things to do is to play video games. This image here is of the new Doom game. Some other games I play are Fallout, Kerbal Space Program, and Super meat boy.
I hope to eventually pursue a career in aerospace. The mention of Kerbal Space Program above is indicative of this. The concept of space and the methods need to reach it are fascinating to me. I hope to eventually work for NASA or one of their contractors.
One of the activities I enjoy to do is to play the Viola. During the first semester this year, I had played in the advanced orchestra at this school. Outside of school, I had auditioned for a state orchestra.
Created By
Chufan Jin

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