My Lawn Boy Project Book by Gary Paulsen, Project by Albert Ly

This is what the Lawn Boy looks like (well, close enough) he the one who becomes rich in the story.

This is Joey Pow(close enough), the wrestler that helps lawn boy defend himself from Rock a gang leader.

On the right is Ralph(a close enough picture), a guy who helps lawn boy with his work and on the right is Arnold(a close enough picture) the guy who helps with sorting out the money.


In the book it talks about a kid who gets a old lawn mower for his birthday. Then he uses it to get forty dollars by mowing lawns every day. Then Arnold, a guy who is not getting a lot of money tries to help by helping him with the money. Arnold tries to make lawn boy more success by calling Ralph to call his cousins to work for lawn boy. Then Rock, the meany who tries to hurt lawn boy but Joey Pow, a wrestler helps stop Rock because lawn boy sponsors him. Then the lawn boy and his family gets to watch Joey win the tournament.

Questions I (Albert) have for this book.

Why didn't Joey get a monster truck instead of a wagon???

Why didn't Lawn boy's mom ask whats is he doing when he was missing from his family???

Is Rock's group a gang who rob people and bully them???

My thoughts on Lawn Boy:

I really like this book because you can learn things like economics and why not to bully a twelve year old wrestler sponsor. Another reason why I like this book is because it is unlike the other Gary Paulsen books. Instead of sad sad parts, there are happy parts and it isn't that serious and less intense . Gary Paulsen, I give this book a rating of five out of five, keep making these books. OH wait. Mr. Paulsen did keep it going, He made "Lawn Boy returns".


Book Author: Gary Paulsen

Project creator: Albert Ly :)

The person that gave the opportunity to make this project is: Mrs. Batista

The website that allowed me to do this project: Spark Adobe

Oh if you were wondering why there was a "Close Enough" in each character section is because I couldn't find the exact photo of them so I got the closes picture of them, Thanks for understanding me -Albert Ly

Hope You Enjoyed This Project!!!


Created with images by WDnetStudio - "mowing the grass garden work lawn" • lindaaslund - "Portrait with sunglasses" • Pexels - "boy elastic rope exercise" • jshj - "90" • tourist_on_earth - "20"

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