
Mikaela Jaques Cartier

Jacquas Cartier was born on December 31, 1491 in Saint-Malo,Brittany.

Cartier was sent on his fist expedition to the new world. He was sent by king Francis the first. Jacquas was sent to look for other riches and a new route to Aisha in 1531.

Because of Cartier exploration of the St. Lawrence River France would be able to lay claim on lands that would soon become Canada.

Cartier was supposed to explore the Americas, but he mainly explored Brazil. Before making 3 MAJOR trips to North American voyages. In 1534 with two ships and 61 men, he arrived twenty days later. Wile he was there he explored the west coast of Newfoundland and discovered Prince Edward Island then sailed right through the Gulf


Created with images by zigazou76 - "Jacques Cartier"

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