KC & DD "Love is a beautiful thing"

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord - Proverbs 18:22

This couple right here is a true definition of God's love, grace and faithfulness. God has been very good to them inspite of their wrongs, pain, sufferings, sorrow and disappointments. One thing I desire most of this couple is the fact that they have a personal relationship with God.

Though I've known them for quite a short while, they've always been my inspiration, my mentors and my second family. They've been the hope to the hopeless, the strength to the feeble, the courage to the discouraged, and the help to the helpless. This makes me love them so much and always want to be in their presence.

It is my prayer that the Lord will preserve and bless you all and may His presence continually to be with you all the days of your lives together.

With Love ,



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