
什么时候一个“系统漏洞”变成政变了?是时候规范美国不可靠的投票系统垄断商了 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:《Zerohedge(零对冲)》;作者:Tyler Durden;发布时间:November 15, 2020 / 2020年11月 15日





这次选举让美国人民体味了一下墙内人民被强奸的感觉,再不觉醒,再不行动美国就真的没有机会了。川普总统在去年曾经说过他是上天选中的人“The Chosen one”,相信他这次一定会下定决心,在香港问题,贸易协议和冠状病毒都踟蹰犹豫错过机会之后,这是上天留给美国和世界人们最后的机会,这次不灭共,让共产当窃取选举结果,他们就控制了人类的未来,人类从此会进入黑暗时代。我们每个战友传播真相,就是在反抗这个盖在人类未来的大黑幕,每个人都是最后一根稻草,没了谁都不行!


When Does A "Glitch" Become A Coup? It's Time to Regulate America's Fly-by-Night Voting Machine Monopoly


It’s a frightening thing to consider, but the ultimate success of democracy in the United States largely hinges on the integrity of just three voting machine companies, which conduct their affairs with almost no government oversight and regulation. Unless that changes, the greatest democracy will start looking like a banana republic in the eyes of the world.


In January 2020, the CEOs of the three companies that produce over 80 percent of voting machines in the U.S. – Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic – were grilled by members of Congress over the question of security at the ballot box. Perhaps it would surprise exactly nobody that the 90-minute discussion focused almost entirely on the possibility of foreign actors, specifically China and Russia, interfering in the U.S. election system. Within such a predictably narrow frame of reference – Russia! Russia! Russia! – it becomes much easier to eliminate the possibility that domestic actors may also be tempted to tamper with the vote. At the same time, Russia provides the perfect smokescreen in the event someone gets caught with their hand in the election cookie jar. But already I digress.

在2020年1月,三个制造了全美80%以上投票机器的公司—投票系统软件公司(Election Systems & Software),多米尼投票系统公司(Dominion Voting Systems)和哈特公司(Hart InterCivic),这三个公司的CEO被国会议员质询关于投票箱安全的问题。也许没人会吃惊这场90分钟的讨论焦点几乎集中在国外干涉的可能性,特别是中共国和俄罗斯。在这个众所周知的狭窄范围内—其实说的就只是俄罗斯俄罗斯俄罗斯!--人们很容易就排除本土尝试篡改选票的行为。

Currently, Dominion Voting Systems, the supplier of voting machines in 28 states, is coming under fierce scrutiny after it was reported that thousands of votes in one Michigan country intended for Donald Trump went to his challenger, Joe Biden. Officials were quick to point out that the ‘glitch’ was due to silly “human error,” as opposed to any mechanical flaws with the voting machines.


According to Michigan state government website, “[T]he erroneous reporting of unofficial results … was a result of accidental error on the part of the Antrim County Clerk (who) accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.”

根据密歇根州政府网站,“这个错误的非官方结果报道…是一个安特里姆郡(Antrim County)工作人员的个人过失,他因疏忽没有更新手机选票数据的投票机器系统然后报告了非官方数据。”

While I am no computer specialist, it is hard to imagine how a software update would have done anything to prevent one candidate from receiving the votes intended for another unless it was originally programmed to behave that way. But again, I am no expert.


Another state that relies heavily on Dominion Voting Systems is Georgia, which received 30,000 new voting machines last year – “the largest rollout of elections equipment in U.S. history,” according to the Government Technology newsletter. Following the announcement of the $107 million contract, the same newsletter foretold of problems down the road, saying the “new voting system is expected to be quickly challenged in court by voters who say it remains vulnerable to hacking and tampering, despite the addition of paper ballots.”

另一个严重依赖多米尼的州是佐治亚州,该州去年收到了30,000个新投票机—“美国历史上投票设备最大出货,”根据政府科技局时事新闻(Government Technology newsletter)。在宣布这份价值一亿零七百万美元的订单之后,紧接着该时事新闻预测了接下来会出现的问题,指出“新的投票系统会很快被选民在法庭上挑战,选民会说该系统很容易被黑掉和篡改,即使有纸张选票。”

Those fears were quickly realized on the morning of Nov. 3, Election Day, when a technological glitch wreaked havoc on voting in two Georgia counties (a side note to this story is that Georgia officials blamed the abrupt pause in vote counting on a burst pipe at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena. Thus far, however, officials have not been able to produce any evidence that such an incident took place).


While the source of the ‘glitch’ is still under investigation, one state ballot supervisor, Marcia Ridley, initially told POLITICO on Nov. 3 that Dominion, which prepares the poll books for counties before elections, “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch.” That reported incident prevented staff from programming the voter smart cards for the voting machines. Ridley continued, “That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election.”

目前“漏洞”的来源仍在调查中,一个州计票监督员,玛西亚•莱德利(Marcia Ridley)在11月3日告诉POLITICO新闻,多米尼负责准备选民花名册,并且“在昨晚上传了一些东西,不正常,然后导致了漏洞的出现。”这个被上报的事件阻止了员工为选民智能卡编程。莱德利继续说道,“这是他们从来没做过的事情。我从没见过他们在选举日前一天上传任何东西。”

However, Dominion officials, while admitting there was a problem with the poll books, deny there was any last-minute update made to the poll books after Oct. 31 (a press release by Dominion countered this and other allegations, including that the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global Initiative has any relationship with the company).

然而,多米尼官员,即使承认选民花名册有问题,仍然否热有在10月31日之后的最后一分钟上传任何选民花名册资料(一份多米尼的新闻发布反驳了这和其他指控,包括佩罗西家族,费恩斯坦(Feinstein)家族,和克林顿基金会(Clinton Global Initiative)和多米尼的任何关系。)

And here is where things get interesting.


Ridley went on to say that Dominion assured her that “no system can be updated remotely without the knowledge of [the company],” indicating that an update could not have been made without detection. In other words, there appears to be a backdoor channel for Dominion Voting Systems to connect to the internet, and, as everybody knows, whatever appears on the internet is fair game for hackers.


Ron发推:滨州州务院(Pennsylvania Department of State)问询一个从多米尼系统来的函数功能允许本地“操作员”获取并检查“完全空的选票”,如果需要可以重新填写,并且重新扫描。

In fact, it was exactly that concern that helped dissuade the state of Texas from also purchasing the dodgy Dominion system.


In a letter from Brandon Hurley, a voting systems examiner, addressed to Keith Ingram, Director of Elections in Texas, it was determined that “some of the hardware in the Democracy 5.5-A System can be connected to the internet through Ethernet ports.”

在一封来自选票系统检察员布莱顿•何雷(Brandon Hurley)写给德州选举主管凯西•因格兰姆(Keith Ingram)的信中,很明确写道“有些在民主5.5-A系统的硬件可以从以太网连接互联网。”

Later in the letter, it was emphasized again that “[W]ithout question, one or more of the components of the 5.5-A System can be connected to an external communication network and this can only be avoided if the end-user takes the proper precautions to prevent such a connection.”


On Wednesday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the state would perform a hand-recount of presidential ballots before certifying the results of its election. According to the New York Times, Biden leads the incumbent Trump by 14,000 votes.

周三,佐治亚州务卿布拉德•拉芬斯佩格 (Brad Raffensperger)宣布该州会在办法认证结果之前进行重新人工统计总统选举选票。根据纽约时报,拜登领先川普14,000票。

Whatever the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, which also had to wrangle with the influx of millions of mail-in ballots amid a pandemic, it will certainly go down in the history books as one of the most chaotic, controversial and fraud-prone contests in U.S. history.


The tragedy is that this fiasco, which is making America look ridiculous on the global stage, could have been avoided. There have been numerous attempts to sound the alarm on the vulnerability of voting machines to accurately tabulate the results of an election, and not least of all the ongoing Trump-Biden showdown, which will determine the political, cultural and economic trajectory of the United States long into the future.


It is the opinion here that, judging by everything we know and don’t know about how the 2020 presidential election was organized, the only realistic option is to hold a nationwide recount. It is simply impossible to expect millions of American voters from either side of the political aisle to hold any doubts over an election of such tremendous consequence. Yes, a recount would be a massive undertaking, but the future peace and tranquility of the nation, already partisan to the breaking point, depends upon it. Once the recount is accomplished, the next task should be a congressional task force to examine ways of securing U.S. elections in the future, while holding the voting machine companies to severe government control and regulation. The days of monkey-wrenching U.S. elections must end.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】