Team Work: Presley Alaniz and Kiara Patty work together to build a tower. On Monday morning, students worked in teams to build towers from spaghetti noodles and marshmallows. "Knowing how [to build] and what to do for out tower was difficult" Sophomore Presley Alaniz says.
Conflicting Ideas: Sophomores Kiara Patty and Presley Alaniz debate different tactics for building their tower. Last Monday, students were required to work together to incorporate all people's ideas in building a tower. "My favorite part," Patty said, "was playing with the mellows and the sticks."
Steady: Sophomores Presley Alaniz and Kiara Patty steady their tower. On March 13th, students at JCHS were given the challenge of builing towers in teams in a photography classroom. "This project is different than others we have done," a student said. "we photographed people actually doing things rather than just posing for a camera."
Snack Break: Sophomore Presley Alaniz takes a snack break. Monday morning while building spaghetti and marshmallow towers sophomore Presley Alaniz took a quick break to eat some gummy bears. Students commented after the fact that if they could do one thing differently next time they would, "protect [their] project" from flying materials from other groups.

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