Severe Concussion Station 8: By Jessica Holt

Britany Horn:

  • -She is 16 years old.
  • She got her most recent concussion on September 4th, 2016. She has an earlier one in 2014.
  • Experienced a constant head ache for an extended period of time. She felt "out of reality". She had major light and sound sensitivity. Officially cleared in December 2016. Had symptoms the whole time (and still to this day).
  • She got a CT scan and an Impact Test.
  • She had to cut back on all her activities. No physical activities. Cut back on school hours. No homework. Cautionary to stairs. No computers or phone. No trumpet.
  • Her treatment consisted of different exercises. Had to stare at a spot on the wall and simultaneously move her head up and down, then side to side. Each exercise lasted 60 seconds twice a day. Also, she had to do neck stretches for her whip lash.
  • Her doctor said that if she gets another concussion i will be even worse and last twice as long as this one.
  • Definition of concussion: a massive force hitting your head that causes your brain to hit the skull and proceed to swell

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