Photography Portfolio By: Hannah Cavaretta


In this picture, I laid objects across the top of blank photo paper. I exposed the photo twice, and the second time I accidentally moved the photo a bit; however it created a shadow-like look behind each object. I also really enjoy working with pictures of nature, and this was the first photo I took of flowers and branches that inspired my other photos.


The left picture of the straw hat gives a nice representation of texture because of the weaved pattern, different holes, and different shades. I also like the second one because the main focus are the leaves and you can see each vein on each leaf and the texture of them.


All of these photographs were taken at Tower Hill. Tower Hill included a lot of amazing settings for landscape photos. I really love the one in the middle because I like how the architecture isn't symmetrical and that the right one is casting a shadow along the grass. I also really like the picture of the mossy stairs because the picture has a gray tint and makes the forest look magical.


I love this picture of Mr. Bazydlo because I think it portrays the authority that he has in the school. I had him purposely look away in a determined manner and it shows how much power he has. I also enjoy how his face is in detail and the lights and hallway leads to the lower left corner of the picture.

Double Negatives

This was my favorite subject because all of my pictures came out exactly how I wanted them to. I also utilized the objects that I had within the school and made them look picturesque. In the left photo, I combined a picture of the hallway and a picture of books in the library. In the right photo, I combined a picture of a big bow in front of a picture of a christmas tree.

Final Project: Collage

I was really proud of my final project because I spent a lot of time thinking about how I was going to create a collage in an interesting way and spent a lot of time creating the final product. I knew I wanted to do something related to fashion, and sketching models and dresses has been really popular on social media lately. I decided to create my own dress out of collages of different flowers and sketch a model to go along with it. In the background, I cut out pictures of nature so that it looked like the model was a flower within a forest. The top pictures are of the sky, the middle are of trees, and the bottom are of grass.

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