Are You Addicted To Caffeine? By: Aerin Grunstein

Is caffeine considered an addicting substance?

People all over the world wake up and enjoy a nice cup of coffee, every single day and maybe, even more than one. When you can't stop having coffee in the morning it is called an addiction. But, is coffee an addicting thing?

One of the things that is used to make coffee is caffeine. Caffeine gives you the boost of energy when you drink coffee. The truth is, caffeine isn't an addictive substance. But, it comes close.

"Caffeine is a stimulant to the central nervous system, and regular use of caffeine does cause mild physical dependence. But caffeine doesn't threaten your physical, social, or economic health the way addictive drugs do." states WebMD. This shows that although caffeine isn't addicting, your brain can start to depend on it. Think about it. If you wake up and every single morning you drink coffee to get energy and to start your day, when you don't drink it your brain won't know what to do.

It will be dependent on the coffee to support you for the rest of the day. "The world's caffeine obsession can be described as a 'dependency' (because when you have less of it you go through a mild withdrawal," (stated by the author shows that if you were to stop drinking coffee, after drinking it often, your body will have withdrawal symptoms.

Just like when drug addicts stop using drugs. You can get headaches, sleepiness, insomnia and even depression. These are only some. Caffeine may not be considered addictive, but it there's no doubt people aren't addicted.


Created with images by Maria Keays - "coffees" • Alexas_Fotos - "coffee coffee beans cafe" • rport - "Coffee" • ulleo - "coffee coffee beans aroma" • mattlucht - "Double Cortado" • Pexels - "architectural brewed coffee cappuccino"

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