Coding With Scratch Beaverton Codes Using Scratch & Codecampus

A quick video introduction to Scratch

There are all kinds of projects that you can make with Scratch. The first step is registering for an educator account. That will take 24 hours to verify and you will be on your way. Register with your BSD email and then you will be ready to enter your class the next day. An innovation strategist can help you with that step. Here are some real district examples from a first day of coding with Scratch.

Below is the link to sign up for your Scratch Education account. There are also many good resources.

The final step is to sign up for CodeCampus. It gives you videos to help you learn Scratch from an educators standpoint. The videos were created for hands on learning to get you a better understanding of coding. It also has a wealth of resources for grades K-6. Sign up with your BSD email by clicking the button below.

Created By
Jon Samuelson


Created with images by ScratchEdTeam - "Scratch@MIT 2012 - Day 1"

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