Attach Documents in the Umantis System Klöckner

This guide will show you how to to attach documents to an employees training record. It's super easy, let's go!

Starting from the home page, click on the 'Training' tab.

On the 'Training' tab, click the 'Registrations' sub-tab. Here you can search for the employee's training registration you wish to attach a document to. You can search by name or course, or use the 'Advanced Search' to narrow down your search even further. Typically searching for the name will be the easiest way to do this.

Once you've found the user you're searching for, click their name, next to the course registration you wish to attach the document to. The name will be displayed in blue text on the left, and the name of the course will be on the right listed in black text.

Now you are viewing the users registration for the course you've selected. You will see a 'Document' section at the bottom of the page. Click the edit pencil next to the 'Document' section to attach the document.

After clicking the edit pencil, you will see the page shown below, allowing you to enter details about the document, and to attach the document. When you're done, click 'Add' to add the document. You're all done!

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