How to Brush Your Teeth By Payton arganbright

There are just a few KEY steps to brush your teeth and keep a pearly white smile! It is so important for your health and appearance. Brushing your teeth will keep you looking professional and feeling good about yourself. Nobody likes to talk to someone with bad breath or someone who has yellow teeth! Brushing your teeth is essential every single day. If you don't the bacteria growing in your mouth and on your gums could eat away at your mouth and teeth causing cavities and infections that cause it to be very sore when eating and smiling.

Here are some tips on how to keep that smile glowing!

-Brush 2 times a day: After breakfast and before you go to bed (More if you can!!)

-Make sure to brush every single tooth, not just the ones in the front! Really get in there get in the crevasses and behind the teeth as well to get the best clean possible!

-Take your time, try to sing the ABC's in your head or maybe even your favorite song through before you finish. Keeping them clean doesn't take seconds-minutes are better!

-Use a good toothbrush with soft bristles because harder ones can be harder on your teeth and gums and you need to be as gentle as possible while still getting a great clean.

Here's a fun little tutorial video to show the kids! :)

You want to keep that pretty/white smile don't you? So Brush..Brush..Brush!!

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