Discover: Vietnam explore with PD's Southeast asia semester


Starting off in Hanoi, our students begin planning the student-led section.

In the next week, we will travel to the locations of our choosing in small groups to gain hands-on experience in planning, organizing and traveling.

Each group will create their own itinerary and manage their own budget.

From the busy streets of Hanoi, we break off into our student-led groups.

One group travels by bus and boat to Cát Bà Island. We arrive at a harbor on La Han Bay and board small basket boats that will take us to our next destination.

The emerald waters of La Han Bay...
Cát Bà National Park
The next morning we board a boat and cruise around the islands of La Han Bay.
Exploring Cát Bà National Park

From Cát Bà Island, we travel to Hanoi and catch a flight to the coastal town of Hoi An.

Here, we meet up with the rest of our group!

We visit the Lifestart foundation, a grassroots, not-for-profit charity that helps disadvantaged Vietnamese people and their families to become self-sufficient.

We are taught how to make traditional paper lanterns as we learn more about their working programs and initiatives.

Hoi An is known for their abundance of skilled tailors... In the evening we gather and show off the clothing we had personally made for us!

From Hoi An, we head to the airport and hop on a flight to Saigon to visit the Cu Chi Tunnels, a complex system of underground passages used by the Viet Cong soldiers in the war.

Into the tunnels we go...

From the busy city of Saigon, it is back into the countryside to bike through the rural villages of the Mekong River Delta.

As our adventure in Vietnam comes to a close, we head to the Cambodian border and another journey begins!

Created By
Macala Elliott

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