Pancreatic Cancer Camryn, Noelle, Hope, Bryson

Pancreatic Cancer

What is it?

Pancreatic Cancer develops when malignant cells form in the tissues of your pancreas.

Survival Rate

Stage 1- 61% survive, Stage 2-52% survive, Stage 3- 41% survive, Stage 4- 16% survive

Tumor in Pancreas


Pain in abdomen and back, fluid in abdomen or nausea, fatigue and weight loss.

Possible Causes

Some people inherit genes from their parents that increase their risk of pancreatic cancer, and it can also be caused by cancer causing chemicals like tobacco.


There's no definite way to prevent, however no smoking, exercising, and eating a proper diet can help reduce risk.


Only chemotherapy can help get rid of pancreatic cancer.

How is the cancer diagnosed?

A CT scan can help diagnose.

What people are likely to get it?

Very rare, less than 200,000 people a year get this cancer, people ages 41 and up are more likely to get this.


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