Sephora vs. Ulta A Comparison

Sephora is a beauty/makeup retailer that started in 1960's Paris and has since then become an international phenomenon, with a strong hold on younger consumers, both in-store and online, and a large presence in the beauty/makeup market.

Some specific products include: Formula X Brand Nail Polish, for a price of $10.50/ bottle, as well as Jack Black- Pit Boss Deodorant for $16/ stick

Ulta is a company similar to Sephora, supplying beauty and makeup goods to their consumers. It began in 1990 in the U.S., and is a major retailer for cheap yet reliable beauty goods in the nation. They have a strong customer loyalty rating, but their online stores are known to have some troubles.

Some items of theirs include the Miracle Complexion Makeup Sponge for $6.99 and their All- Nighter Makeup Setting Spray for $31.00

Strengths Ulta:Lower cost, good supply chain, customer loyalty Sephora:Wide variety, strong online/offline presence, top value Weaknesses U:Less online functionality, weaker management skills S:Little advertising outside stores, higher pricing on goods Opportunities U:Relatively new, able to adapt, can improve online S:customers ready to pay top dollar for value, adapt to trends Threats U:Fashion swings, powerful competitors, less quality than others S:Many competitors, hard to keep low costs, customer "conversion" difficult

Winner: Sephora for... 1) Top quality goods 2) Strong presence in the U.S., online, and around the globe 3) High adaptability

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