Football, the business How football lost its essence

Main concerns that football is facing and makes it a completely different game.

1) The fields: no longer belong to the fans

European football clubs are having more and more trouble to fill in their stadiums. Specially in Italy, clubs need to keep tickets highly priced to be able to pay their debts. It is not the fans fault but in the end, he is who pays.

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2) The TV war: The strongest gets more.

Keeping TV rights very exclusive and unequally shared make it impossible for small clubs to compete with top teams. Nearly all matches require you to pay for watching the game, and even worse, not all companies provide you a complete package to watch all of them. It is from this right ownership TV's have that clubs get the most revenue from.

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3) Commercial Scheduling: Kids will fall asleep

The scheduling for the matches is beyond what it used to be. It is of more interest to place the match in a time bound where it will be watched at a reasonable time world wide, specially China. It is the case of "El Clasico" in spain where the match is starting to be there for everyone to watch giving them plenty facilities, except for the real supporters.

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