Speak Up Survey Glenpool Data

135 Parent Participants

95% or respondents own a smartphone with internet access.

77% of respondents are worried that their student will not learn the right skills in school to be successful in the future, yet only 8% are worried that their student will not graduate from high school.

What do you think is the best way for your child to develop the skills they will need to be successful in the future?

87% Gain work experience through a job, internship, or volunteering

76% Participate in a team sport or academic group

70% Use technology within his/her classes

68% Use technology within his/her classes

Oklahoma and Glenpool parents rated these areas much higher than the national average.

Do you have any concerns about the use of technology at your child's school?

57% Technology use varies from teacher to teacher

17% Teachers don’t know how to use technology to improve student learning

10% Technology is poor quality or out of date

Imagine you are designing a dream school for today's students. Which of these tools or strategies do you think holds the greatest potential for increasing student achievement and success?

71% Chromebook or laptop for every student to use at school

69% Dashboard or portal to track student academic progress over time (e.g. classes taken, course grades, test scores, absences) even if students change schools

61% Online tutors

What is the most effective way for your child's school or school district to communicate generalized school or district information and alerts to you?

81% Email messages

67% Text message to my mobile device

52% Automated phone messages

42% Mobile app

How satisfied are you with the way that your child's school and district communicate information to you?

35% Somewhat satisfied

45% Very satisfied

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