Samurai Jaden Segura Period:1

The Rise of a Military Society

  • Japan became a military society in 1185 when Minamoto Yoritomo came to power of Japan
Minamoto Yoritomo
  • Shogun- commander-in-chief
  • A shogun was the most important daimyo
  • Daimyo- large landowners
  • Samurai- trained warriors that were owned by damyio
Japanese Social Pyramid

Samurai Armor, Weapons and Fighting

Samurai fought with swords, spears, bows and arrows

Samurai Weapons
  • Samurai had bows that had the length of eight feet and had a good strength during battle
  • Foot soldiers use spears to knock off riders off their horse
  • The sword was the greatest weapon to a samurai because of its flexibility and how it razor sharp
Samurai Amor
  • Samurai dressed in heavy armor
  • Underneath the armor samurai wear kimono and baggy trousers
  • Shinguards were made out of leather or cloth to protect their legs
Samurai Fighting
  • "The Way of the Horse and the Bow" was the first way to train a samurai
  • Young Samurai were trained by master archers who taught them mental and physical techniques
  • They were also taught how to fight without any weapons with martial arts

Samurai Training and the Warrior Code

  • Boys (and sometimes girls) could become samurai from any family.
  • A child will be chosen for samurai training would leave their family around the age of 7.
  • Zen Buddhism was use as a major focus in samurai training to teach boys how to focus their mind.
  • A ceremony called genbuku would be attended between the ages of 12-18 a samurai in training
  • They practiced so much that the could shoot an arrow accurately without thinking
  • They were taught how to breathe properly
  • Samurai were taught how to shoot off a rider while riding on a horse
  • Samurai were taught how to have self-control
  • They also needed to overcome the fear of death
  • To alert and alway be prepared was was taught
  • A samurai's duty was to serve and obey his Daimyo until death.
  • The Samurai was a part of the ruling warrior class
  • They were expected to help keep the peasants in order
  • A samurai can never be relaxed
  • Samurai developed an "sixth sense"
  • Many of the teachers told stories about being prepared
  • Shame could be passed down for generations so many samurai chose to commit the ultimate sacrifice- seppuku- rather than bring shame upon themselves
  • When a dying samurai is found, another warrior (probably a close friend) would act as second to cut off the head to avoid prolonged pain.
  • In this way, a disgraced samurai could ensure that his wife and children would not be outcasts

Training in Writing, Literature and Tea Ceremony

Spiritual Training

  • A monk named Honen founded Amida Buddhism in the 12th century
  • He believed that all people could reach paradise
  • Believers were taught to rely on Amida Buddha
  • Zen was liked by samurai because of its efforts and discipline
  • Zen Buddhist would meditate of hours
  • Many meditated in zen gardens

Woman in Samurai Society

  • Women in a samurai society's position declined by men
  • In the 12th century, women were honored and treated with respect
  • In the 17th century, they were treated as inferior to their husband


Created with images by usarjnco - "A 'SLICE' OF JAPAN: USARJ FRG HOSTS DINNER SHOW" • chezbeate - "tea warm cup"

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