What is E-waste:

E-waste means waste, garbage or electronic scrap. It can also be designated according to the acronym WEEE, corresponding to the name of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equip.


1. The protection of the environment.

2. The recovery of raw materials with a high level of purity according to the last and rigorous European standards.

3. The recycling of the waste near its origin of generation according to the principles of proximity and self-sufficiency that inspire the European guidelines in this matter.

4. The diversification of the economy and the promotion of green jobs with high qualification.

5. Promote endogenous potential for the development and consolidation of an industrial fabric related to recycling based on criteria of quality, innovation, efficiency and respect for the environment.

Created By
lucas and gisela carlos and carlota


Created with images by geralt - "board circuits control center" • polymer808 - "weeeman"

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