A Later Start, A Better Day Christopher Yablonski

Almost everyone dreads waking up early for school.

Especially when they have to stay up late the night before.

Students have multiple responsibilities forcing them to stay awake late into the night.

Lack of sleep + School = Poor Academic Performance

What can be done?

School districts should start high school later to help students regain their sleep.

Starting school later will boost students' academic performance in school.

They will do better, and be happier.

As grades rise, students will be more likely to succeed!


Created with images by sasint - "students adult the record books" • hang_in_there - "Sad man holding pillow" • Spojení - "did you just take a picture of me?" • LouAnnClark - "clock countdown midnight" • bill85704 - "PCC SOCCER PRACTICE" • victor-torres - "McDonald's" • ** RCB ** - "homework" • Ramdlon - "success failure opposite" • rhinman - "Assuming the sleeping position" • sasint - "woman library students" • 3139381 - "person man boy" • MDGovpics - "Governor Visits North Point High School" • douglas_coldwell - "Geo's typical report card"

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