How to Join the Adobe Solution Partner Program
There are three steps to joining program.

Join Program - 1 of 3: Create an Adobe ID, if you do not already have one. Skip this step if you already have an Adobe ID. IMPORTANT: You must use your current company email.

Join Program - 2 of 3: Select ‘START REGISTRATION.’

Use the search bar to find your company.

Once you’ve identified your company, complete the Partner Program request form. The email address you use in the request form must match your Adobe ID email. If you cannot find your company, go to the next step.

If you cannot find your company, click ‘Didn’t find it?’ to complete the new Partner Registration Process (three steps). The email address you use must match your Adobe ID email.

Join Program - 3 of 3: Receive confirmation that your account has been created.
If your company is part of the Adobe Partner Program expect to see a pop-up message indicating your account will be active within one hour.
New Partner applications will receive an application receipt confirmation email immediately. Your application will be reviewed within 10 business days.

Click 'LOGIN' to access the Adobe Solution Partner Portal.

STEP THREE: Sign in using your Adobe ID.