The Good Life Nature Activity Jordan brown

I found the butterfly exhibit extremely appealing. The exhibit does a really good job of immersing the individual in the space. I loved this exhibit in particular because it is truly a live exhibit with live aspects of it. I learned a lot about the need for specific plants and water sources to keep butterflies alive. There was also an employee inside the exhibit that was answering the questions of the guests, an element that a normal exhibit would not have.
This exhibit stuck out to me because while it helps us understand the lives of individuals that respected and learned from the earth, it also shows the people that the Europeans wiped out. When we think of nature and ethics, there is no greater example than the Native Americans. They were masters of the earth that not only respected the earth, but also each other. The saddest part about their history is that, like the environment that they tried so hard to protect, they people were disrespected and harmed by newcomers. In their history, we take a lesson to how we should act going forward. We must not destroy our world and the people in it, but instead embrace the environment and the people who live in it.
The museum invests a lot of time and energy in making the exhibits and the experience of going to the museum a unique experience. In my life, I have yet to see a museum that is as unique as this one. The museum connects us to the natural world by making us a part of it. The exhibit I am standing in in the photo above is one of underwater life and in the exhibit there are fish that are the size of humans so it makes it seem that you are a part of the environment. It is exhibits like these that provide a unique and improved experience at the museum.

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