2017 Inauguration On the ground in D.C.


In Fred Ritchin's book, Bending the Frame, he explores the concept and role of objectivism among journalists. "There's no standard way of approaching a story. We have to evoke a situation, a truth. This is the poetry of life's reality" (Ritchen 36).

The country voted and a choice was made. The reason I was in D.C. was because the Syracuse University independent student newspaper sent me. What I chose to do while in D.C. was to gravitate more towards exploring beyond the superficial. What ended up happening was a mixture of frustration and reactionary reporting which was not my intention, however, I was still able to create powerful imagery from the experience in the form of photos and film.

Photos taken before and through the Inauguration as well as the ensuing nonviolent and violent protests along K street.


Although I am primarily a photojournalist, I also collaborated with a few other students from The Daily Orange to create some compelling video packages around the day of the Inauguration.

Concluding Thoughts

As Fred Ritchin mentioned, objectivism is a hot button topic among journalists. After the inauguration, people kept asking me how it was and how I covered it. It was challenging for me mostly because the group of people around me for the entirety of the Inauguration ceremony were spewing racial slurs and speaking badly of certain ethnic groups. I chose to remain silent. I interviewed Trump supporters and photographed both the ceremony as well as the protests. I chose the role of a journalist rather than a partisan one. Although I didn't push the boundary beyond superficial I chose to challenge myself to do so on the following day, the Women's March.

Created By
Frankie Prijatel

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