Unified Xperience Monthly Updates - February 2017

Training Updates


We've been very busy ramping up for the launch of Mobile Network as a Service. <expand>

Please refer to the calendar of classes for upcoming training sessions.

Tata Communications' Mobility Academy

With ’Mobility’ being a key pillar of the company’s strategy, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Tata Communications Mobility Academy in collaboration with MPirical.

This initiative will provide the foundation to bridge the mobility knowledge gap -- arming our organization with the depth of knowledge to engage our customers effectively and positioning us as the ‘go to market leaders’ as we roll out new product areas and services, mainly the Mobile Network as a Service strategy.


Round of Applause to all who participated in training this month!

We are pleased to share the following accomplishments for the month:

<Insert Training Dashboards>

Unified Xperience Knowledge Repository

We have been actively revamping our Knowledge Base Repository to provide an enhanced user experience... <expand> Check out our new site which consolidates Mobitliy and UCC assets.

During this month we have added the following assets <expand>

Until next month!

Stay tuned for new and upcoming events!

Yours <whatever our name will be>

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