Good Life at the Harn by Jordan Goldberg

Medium of Art/Technique of Artist: A painting that particularly spoke to me was "Figuras constructivas" by Jaoquin Torres-Garcia. This painting depicts geometric humans on a colored block background. It is the kind of painting that is so subtle but interesting that it would no elicit the same response if seen on a website. The geometric human figures create a representation of the paradoxical simplistic complexity of the human race. The painting was one I could've just stood there and stared at for a while. It creates a feeling of curiosity because it forces you to analyze every geometric shape and figure out how they connect to the environment in which the two humans are standing. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Design of Museum: There is one particular area of the museum that I thought was awesome. It was an archway leading between two rooms. It felt a little like a Gothic archway but it was actually square shaped. It is situated between two rooms of varying personality. One room that was fairly dull, and then a bright room with wooden floors. This added a new dimension of personality to the museum that overall added to the general enjoyable experience of being there. The exhibit that this archway leads to is equally interesting. It is very well lit and made of wood and contains so cool abstract structures that I spent a decent amount of time observing.

Art and Core Values: The painting that most stood out to me in terms of core values the Seated Buddha. Buddha is representation of core values themselves and how we as humans embark on a journey to understand our very beings. The sculpture of Buddha is very peaceful and represents his personal core values involving peacefulness and meditation.

Art and the Good Life: As ironic as it may seem, a piece of artwork that represents the Good Life is the sculpture entitled "Day of the Dead Tree". The figure shows a tree with skeletons happily playing on it, and a man sitting on a goat next to the tree. Even though skeletons imply that the people are dead, the sculpture represents the Good Life because it depicts entities enjoying themselves. The skeletons are seemingly happy in their current situation. Regardless of form, a soul/being can experience pleasure. This is what the painting speaks about. The way that this sculpture helps bring about this understanding adds to the reasons in which art is so interesting to analyze.

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