Tectonics jake schirmer


Create a combination that is made of many smaller parts. Break your given elements down into a system of related parts to then reassemble them in a new way.

01. Begin with a flat plate of wood
02. Cut repeating notches of varying depths.
03. Repeat on second plate of wood.
04. Machine curved stick of wood. Connect through first notch.
05. Flip curved stick, insert into second notch.
06. Repeat process throughout plates.

This study of tectonics required investigating multiple types of joints between two elements. The goal of my proposal was to create a single element to join the plates that would be rotated, generating variation from piece to piece, while retaining a smooth geometry when viewed as a whole. The solution called for a curved “stick” to be inserted into a notches “plate” of wood. The notches of the plates were carved using a band saw and the curves “sticks” were milled by a CNC machine. The assembly is held together completely by wood glue.

2016, Second-Year Professional Program, Auburn University

Created By
Jake Schirmer

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