The life and death of William Shakespeare By: RamonArmendariz

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William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon, United Kingdome. He died on his birthday in 1616, and was buried in Stratford. He married Anna-Hathaway in 1582.
King Edward VI School
William Shakespeare went to school at King Edward VI in Stratford-Upon-Avon
William Shakespeare 1582-1616
William Shakespeare produced 37 plays in his lifetime.
William produced Tragedy, Comedy, and history throughout his life of plays.
The difference between these three is that through out his plays of history he informed the audience, throughout his plays of comedy he made the audience laugh, and throughout his life of writing Tragedy, he made the audience cry or feel intense.
Not only did Shakespeare write plays he also write two poems and 154 sonnets.
William and Anne-Hathaway
Shakespeare married his wife Anne-Hathaway when he was only 18
One of the reason we still study Shakespeare is because we know very little of him.
By: Ramon Armendariz
Created By
Ramon Armendariz

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