Elements of Art Huikang huang


The sunlight shines, On the Balboa door. And all those lines, Are aligned on the floor


I open a LEGO pack, Piling in a stack, All those pieces that match, Are just shapes that attach


Looking out from a window, I see a beautiful rainbow. There's red, orange, yellow, There's green, blue, indigo


Light turns it warm, Dark turns it cold. What turns me crazy, is drawing the gray scale


When you open your eyes, You see the beautiful world. And forms are all around you, In this three dimension world.


Lying on my soft bed, Under the smooth blanket. Feeling the textures, All day long


A bird fly high, In the blue sky, Swing on its wings, Freely in the space


Created with images by JDmcginley - "sunrise georgia sunrise georgia"

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