
#JesuitsofBC Get to Know the Jesuits of Boston College. Photos & Interviews by Suzy Kim, '20.

“When a man professes vows at the end of the novitiate – vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience – he makes an act of great hope in God and in the Society. I have yet to be disappointed by either.” - Fr. Peter Folan, S.J.
“Art allows me to focus and center my life into what is more important... When I work in my studio, it’s almost like being in retreat or prayer. I always ask the questions, ‘God what do you think about what I am doing?’....” - Fr. Sammy Chong, S.J.
"I come from a country that has had a tragic history and genocide. So, in some sense, I really wanted to be a minister, a competent minister. A modest, a wounded healer, or a bridge between divided communities. I felt belonging to God and to all people without having an exclusive relationship to one person would be... I felt that was a calling for me. So, I quit other jobs and even medical studies and joined the Jesuits." - Fr. Marcel Uwineza, S.J.
"One of our mottos is to 'find God in all things' and when you teach a statistics course, you are trying to show people where God operates in this world of science and mathematics. So whatever I can do that could help with the greater glory of God, that’s fine." - Fr. Richard McGowan, S.J.
"My goal for the future would be to build schools for the next generation, for the generation that has been persecuted, not because of any wrong that they have done. They need empowerment and I think a good way to begin with is education and to have a conducive place for education, space for education, a good architecture is important and that’s where I would like to help." - Ramesh Richards S.J.
“As a baseball fan, I’ve always admired...'utility players.' They might not be great at one position but they can play a bunch of different positions. As a Jesuit, I hope to be able to serve where the need is, knowing that Jesus is going to be there, and that I have the great honor of working alongside him and meeting the people I’ll serve.” - Fr. Pat Nolan, S.J.
"God calls us to be faithful to the truth of who God made us to be – God's beloved sons and daughters – and we discover how to live that truth in our deepest, most honest, most authentic desires for freedom and wholeness and fullness of life. The God who is laboring in all things is at work in these desires. God desires that we join with Jesus in living lives of loving self-gift. I think the way in which each of us best live lives of loving self-gift is who we are called to be." - Fr. Gregory Kalscheur, S.J.
"My heart was on fire and I felt God telling me I haven't brought you this far to let you down." - Fr. John Monahan, SJ
St. Mary's Hall Chapel

Produced by Boston College Campus Ministry's Marketing Engagement Team


Suzy Kim

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